Happy 4th you guys! We are in beautiful Colorado and enjoying every single second of it! We're gearing up to whitewater raft here shortly! It will be our first time to ever do this, and we're a bit excited!
A little back tracking real quick...We decided a few months back that we wanted to travel here this summer and see what all Colorado has to offer! I've only ever enjoyed this state in the winter, so it's nice to see it not covered in white!
Now, for those of you that know Aaron and I, we are not ones to "rough it". Roughing it to me is staying at a hotel without wi-fi....so, the thought of spending a week in a tent, totally cut off from the outside world, and having to walk up a trail to the showers and restroom is really out of my (our) comfort zone(s). Luckily, Aaron is very....ummm for lack of a better word....inventive. There are no words to describe the way he set up the inside of the tent....let's just say he used a lot of duct tape and redneck engineering to create a ceiling fan/chandelier 😑. Oh the luxuries....
Hiking was first on our list of to dos. Luckily, right up the road from our campsite, there's the Rainbow Trail. We decided to tackle it our first day here because why not....I was feeling super confident and strong for the first seven and a half minutes....it went downhill fast from there. We literally had to stop every 50 yards to catch our breath. We were very ill prepared cardio wise for this, who would've thought. However, we reached the summit and it was breathtaking. I was certain in that two hour hike we had most definitely hiked a minimum of three miles. We were later told we had hit the mile mark when we had reached the summit. Great. I suppose Pike's Peak will be saved for a trip at a later date 😂.
Here are some pictures from our adventure yesterday.

If you have us on a snapchat, sorry, not sorry for the amount of pictures and videos that we're loading. A few months ago we both deleted our Facebook and Instagram accounts (no we didn't block you or delete you lol, just decided to give it a break for a bit), so if you want to stay updated on our adventures, you'll find it here!
We have about 45 minutes until we raft, I'll post that small adventure when we're finished! Hopefully we make it out alive!
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