
Noise, Novels, and Nonsense

Noise (n)
: a sound that someone or something is making.
Synonyms- racket, uproar, pandemonium, clamor

Yes, that about sums it up. My life in one simple word…noise. I’m surrounded by it all the time. From the moment I wake up, until I lay my head down at night…and then generally I’m awakened several times a night by a little one making noise of some sort. I will admit though, the noise is not always bad, I enjoy it. It lets me know I’m not alone, it fills my life with laughter and joy. Can you imagine a completely silent house all day every day? For one day, yes, I’d welcome that, but a noiseless house for months upon months, I’ll take clamor instead. I’ll gladly accept the sounds of truck wheels rolling on my hardwood floors, or “freeze guns” being blasted over and over, or the sweet sound of “Ooops mommy, I just spilled your finger nail polish” over silence. I’ve found that the noise is the sweetest during those precious moments of night time prayers, whispers that say “mommy, I love you more than chocolate milk”, or small snores that let you know the angel down the hallway is sleeping soundly.  

Novels (n)
 A fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters
Synonyms- book, story, tale

If a word can feel like home, it is this one. Please, I will forewarn you, I am all things that encompass a huge nerd. I always have been. I tried doing my best to keep it under wraps for years, but now I wear it openly like a badge of honor. So, when I say things like the word novel feels like home, I mean it, deep in my soul mean it. If there is one thing that can keep me talking for hours, it is this. Ask me what I’m reading, but only if you have time for a lengthy conversation. I have many memories as a child of making a tent out of bed sheets and lying for hours reading anything I could get my hands on…even if that meant the in-depth encyclopedias that my mom and dad had stored away. So, it just makes sense that reading is what I do for pleasure (when I’m not online shopping), it is a moment for me to unwind. A book and a coffee shop is my idea of a day spent well.

Nonsense (n)
: language, conduct, or an idea that is absurd or contrary to good sense.
Synonyms- foolishness, silliness, tomfoolery

Everything that the two words above do not cover, this does. This is my life. It is full of nonsense, but in a good way. The ins and outs of my life, can be summed up with that word. I do things that I often look back on and think, what in the world was I thinking!? But, generally it is in those moments that bring back the fondest memories. For instance, the time that my cousin Lindsay, my friend Jessica, and I decided at 16 and 17 to sneak into a karaoke bar. We didn’t even realize it wasn’t a great idea until the bouncer was kicking us out. We decided then that perhaps we should play hide and seek in the parking lot of our hotel because it just seemed like the right thing to do. Do you even realize what could have happened to us?!  Young and dumb, but I cherish those moments, those brief occasions when reason was thrown out the window and we just lived in that very minute.  I have so many other instances that are full of nonsense, but I’ll hold on to those for another time.

I can’t promise you what is to come with this blog, as a matter of fact, I have no idea what I will write about. I do know, however, that whatever it maybe, it will certainly either be about noise, novels, or nonsense.